

Founded 2020
Genre: Indie / Electronic
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Latest Release: Lie Heartfelt (March 2021)

When you’re struggling to find inspiration and have writer’s block. What is the first thing you guys do? What helps get you back on track?

At times, we have struggled with feeling like we need to wait until we are “in the mood” to create. Recently, we have committed to a pretty fast-paced release schedule, so we’ve had to learn to carve time out even if we aren’t feeling our most creative that day. The best way to fight writer’s block for us has been; to keep going. Maybe we follow a song through nearly to the end, only to finally decide it’s not working. At that point, it’s out of our system, and we can move on to something new. Since there are two of us, once we get a thread of something, it’s usually a pretty swift process, building a narrative, mood, and melodies together.

Your last day on earth. Where do you go? Why?

This is an interesting question since things were feeling pretty apocalyptic a year ago when we first met. At that time, the “where” wasn’t as important as the “with who.” As cheesy as it sounds, a nice day, just wandering around Brooklyn would be just fine.

Describe the theme of your first album in one sentence.

At the end of the year, we plan to wrap up our singles into two EPs; one with our more mellow folksy vibe, and the other for our more electronic side.

What record label is your favorite?

We’d love to sign with someone like Captured Tracks or Matador Records!

If you were ever to move from Brooklyn, what would you miss most?

The variety is the best part. The choice with food, people, music, art, and opportunities, and most of it is just a walk, bike ride, or short subway jaunt away.

Who’s your #1 Music Artist growing up as a child. What about now?

As kids, we were both huge Beatles fans, and we still are, although we have different favorite Beatles, which has been a small point of contention, the classic “John vs. Paul” situation.

We have wildly similar tastes in music. Over the years, some of our most played artists are definitely Conor Oberst, Alt-j, Polo & Pan, and Bon Iver.

YouTube is becoming like cable TV now. Do you have a favorite Youtuber?

Warren and her mom do Yoga with Adriene lol.

Nick really loves Red Letter Media. They do amazing in-depth movie reviews and all kinds of other left field segments. Big recommend.

Are you guys gamers? If so which game?

Nick spent a few weeks in 2019 playing Lego Harry Potter, but he couldn’t get past one of the potions classes in 2nd year. Warren beat Machinarium while waiting for the election results to come in, and we both still play her PlayStation 2. Sly Cooper, Crash Bandicoot, and Spyro are our favorites.

Who is the #1 local band where you’re from?

We are so lucky to be in a community with so many talented acts. It’s too hard to name just one. Recently we’ve been jamming to “Doing it All” by Foxanne, “Honey Eye” by Joyce, and “New Constellation” by Atlas Engine.

You can actually listen to all these on this lil playlist we made for some of our favorite local jams:

Brooklyn is overshadowed by New York City a lot of times. What are the most overlooked qualities about your city? What improvements have you seen over the years?

For us, Brooklyn only seems overshadowed by Manhattan until you get to know Brooklyn. Brooklyn is a lot more personal and relaxed. Once you find people with similar interests, it makes the place less overwhelming than everyone assumes it is.

There are still a lot of improvements we’d like to see, but this past year it was nice to see everyone out on their rooftops and the pedestrian streets that popped up in some areas.

Huge shoutout to Lone Wolf Music, for asking the good q’s and letting us share a little more about Almost Sex! Feel free to say hello and follow us on Instagram and be sure to pre-save our song, “Eye to Eye,” out April 23rd!